TrailMix Case Study

A mobile app with all the essential pieces
of your camp trip packed together

Mobile App UX Design Challenge

User Research


Tap card to flip!

Tap card to flip!

Tap card to flip!

Tap card to flip!

TrailMix was designed to tackle the needs of campers of all levels. Campers need to disconnect from their busy lives, and enjoy camping experience with friends and family to its fullest potential. We have observed that there are too many different channels of camping related information, overwhelming potential campers. The lack of a single platform addressing all camping needs, from planning, group coordination (before and at the camp), learning about safety procedures, prepping equipments, deciding on what to do upon arrival, is resulting in potential campers to shy away from camping or decrease in overall satisfaction and excitement for camping. With TrailMix, we intend to address these issues , by offering a seamless camping experience from prepping to on-site activity decision making - all within one app - so that users can fully focus on their camping experience.

TrailMix - All the essential pieces of your camp trip packed together

(value proposition statement)


After feature prioritization, our team decided to put our

focus on the Live Map feature, that would allow
campers to
wildlife, activities and their location for
and coordination of activities.


Testing & Iterations
